Author of In Mandyland, Mandy decided to create a separate blog for the supper club after realizing her readers were never going to believe someone actually asked her to take part. They know too much about her cooking misadventures. She's the Writer.

The creator of the supper club, Tara is known for her homemade ice cream and green thumb. She's the type of cook who thinks nothing of making a pumpkin flan for her and her four-year-old daughter just because. She likes to know where her food comes from and how it's made. With hundreds of cookbooks in her library, her culinary knowledge makes her the Gourmet.
When asked to bring a dish, Sarah won't just bring that one, but will go on to make some sort of yummy dessert sure to make mouths water and waistlines expand. An amazing cook, she's best known for her coconut cream pie and lemon bars made from tree picked lemons and eggs from her hens. With her easy spirit and quick smile, she's the Maverick.

The title of "Rookie" floated around for a few days until Anne confessed she and her son eat out more often than they should and she didn't know how to roast a chicken, sticking her with the moniker. Game to try whatever she's assigned, she freely admits she's out of her comfort zone, but can follow a recipe. She has Google at her fingertips and is ready to cook. She's the Rookie.

When the menu went out, Dolly emailed that she'd used another recipe for her first assigned dish, switching it out for an easier version. Known for substituting ingredients and recipes, she's the creative talent behind Little Blue House Design Company. She's the Substitute.
The Amateur
After she was discovered rolling sushi, it was decided Jennifer was too skilled to be a rookie. With a glass of Chronic in hand, this multi tasking mommy blogger approaches the kitchen with her sushi knives sharpened and her sense of humor fully in place. She's the Amateur.