Friday, February 3, 2012

Behind the Scenes: Stir Fry Shrimp

I don't know very many people who don't love shrimp.

Myself included.

But there are some people who can't eat shrimp without a trip to the emergency room.

Myself included.

So when Tara's menu came out complete with Stir Fry Shrimp with Garlic and Chile Sauce, my first thought was, "Good GOD, but that sounds amazing."

My second thought was, "Is my epi pen expired."

I've been known to swell up like a balloon from the slightest cross-contamination. The thought of ten adults and nine children dishing up their food with big spoons and not paying attention to minor details like shrimp juice, made me a little nervous.

Until I showed up at Tara's house.

I should have known that Tara - one of the most organized people I know - would have it all in hand.

Behold: The Shrimp Spoon

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe of Shrimp Stir Fry. I want to try this because Shrimp Stir Fry is one of my favorite dish. I'm hoping that I can cook it perfectly. Keep on sharing guys!
